понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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that Iapos;m not stressed after my first day back at work?� I DO love my job.� I cannot explain why or how, I just know that I love what Iapos;m doing.� When I opened my inbox earlier (after forcing myself to NOT check mail the whole of last week), there were only about a hundred emails, about half of those are the really important ones.� The rest are either forwarded messages (my mother forwards at least 3 things a day) or updates.� Out of the 50 or so substantial emails, only about 25 of those require my doing something.� Which is great, in a way, because my "To Do" list did not morph into a truly hideous specimen.� I truly appreciate most of the people in office who understood that "vacation = rest = no work."��

When I did start working (after aimlessly�re-checking my mail to make sure I did not accidentally delete or�move messages that are imporant),�my pace was�a wee bit faster than�two Fridays�ago (which�was my last official working day).� The drafting came easier, the review wasnapos;t as frustrating as I remembered, and�I actually had FUN while working.��I was even laughing when�I�received one of those attorney-urgent-po-talaga phone calls in the middle of lunch.� Strange.

Moral of the story: work is just that, work.� It cannot -- and should not�-- be taken TOO seriously.��And once itapos;s not fun anymore, itapos;s a sign that one has to take a break (OC-ness notwithstanding).� I wonder until when this mood will last.� Hopefully at least until the Christmas season.� � ���


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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Too much is going on for me to really say something meaningful. Weapos;ve lost friends, allies, got some back that we thought were gone. We only have one enemy left. I guess you could call that progress.

Iapos;m gonna be honest, guys. Iapos;m more scared now then I ever was before. Weapos;ve certainly realized how fleeting our lives are, and I say that with the most respect I can to those weapos;ve lost. But things are moving fast now, relentless. I feel like weapos;re in a current, blind, and canapos;t quite see the storm we know is coming.

I dunno what Iapos;m trying to say. I�just.. We know heapos;s prepared.�Heapos;s lost his commanders, but he never needed anyone. I know you guys have been at this longer than me, and that I donapos;t need to tell you things like this, but please, be careful.

Iapos;m willing to synthesize items for you guys, if you bring me the materials. Itapos;d only be stuff like rings and bracelets - not weapons, but itapos;s all I can do, and Iapos;m willing to put in some hours for anyone who asks.
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Oswald Chambers points out one of the problems of our spirituality - we focus less and less on our spiritual relationship with God while instead we put too much emphasis on serving others and being "useful" to society. The important thing to remember is that Godapos;s kingdom is inside of us,and in order to be effective servants, we need to maintain a strong connection with God. Letapos;s spend more time getting rooted in our Lord then become people who spend too much time in over-activity.

In Hebrews 3, the author first makes the point that Jesus is greater than Moses because Moses was a servant of God. Just as the builder of the house receives more praise than the house itself, it is the same with us. The author warns against unbelief - I learned today that faith is the currency of our relationship with Christ, and our faith is revealed in our actions, in the little things. It was unbelief which prevented the Israelites from entering the promised land, and so the same with us.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the calling that you give to me to be in a personal relationship with you, and I know that you do not call us to over-activity simply to be useful to others. You want us to lay at your feet and to listen to the words you have for us. I pray, Father, that You would prevent me from ever doing too much but rather that I would stay close to you. Father, I pray that You would grant me greater faith and keep me from unbelief, because it is faith in you which helps me to accomplish your work. I pray all these things in your Sonapos;s most precious name, Amen.


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Three separate overnight fires across the Tampa Bay displaced 16 people within just seven hours. The American Red Cross is providing relief.

Last night, a fire damaged the home of a Port Richey mother and daughter. An hour later, a Seffner family with children ages 8 and 11 lost their home and belongings in a fire that killed their pets. And this morning, at approximately 5:30 a.m., a St. Petersburg apartment fire caused 20 people to evacuate, and left half of them homeless.

The Red Cross responds to an average of one fire per day. To help, make a donation to the American Red Cross Tampa Bay Chapter at www.redcrosstbc.org or by calling 1-877-741-1444.

-- Alexandra Zayas, Times Staff

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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My sous-chef is an ass, no really she is. Sheapos;s been in a bad mood for over two days now, the others and I at work are almost afraid to ask her anything for fear of her biting our heads off, whatapos;s her problem anyway? apos;S not my fault they forgot to order salmon after I told them to, nor my fault if the mice en place list is a mile long after sheapos;s had the evening before. Get a grip woman ^^

But now I have a whole weekend off, five new mangas (one which I read on the way home =( ) and marshmallow ice-cream in the fridge, and three days free to play as much FFXII as I want, can this weekend get any better?
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Something interesting happened today. I looked at yesterdayapos;s post and noted the title. How appropriate it was. Maybe it really was time to confront everything... To let it all out... And re-examine everything that has been going on rather than hiding my studies, which were actually the root of the problem in the first place. So Iapos;ve been using a problem to escape from the said problem, which is rather ironic and circular.

Iapos;m still ambivalent about what I said today. Iapos;m not sure if I regret saying it. Perhaps things would be easier if we just wrestled our way through it and let it fade after a while, as we are wont to do. The atmosphere is awkward now, very much so. Well, one can hardly expect anything else after the opening of a Pandoraapos;s box full of anger, hurt, mistakes and grievances that had been kept tightly shut for so long.

So, hereapos;s something I need to say. Iapos;m so sorry to all of you for being such an asshole over the past few months. Things have been very messy... In various parts of my life... And the only thing that seemed constant were my studies, which I could find some level of pride and enjoyment in. But I think I overdid it, and hurt a lot of people in the process.

All the same, perhaps itapos;s time we wrangled out all the issues between us. Personally, I feel that the problems run further than just "a silly competition". Iapos;m extremely reluctant to attempt to confront everything head-on, but it would be nice to get rid of some of the pent-up tension thatapos;s been building up throughout the year. I donapos;t know if youapos;re feeling the same way, but I thought it would be worth a shot telling you how I feel about all this.

Hmm, I need to write an email.

(I will tell you about what happened, if you want to know. Just find a time when youapos;re free to talk, without silly people bothering you, haha.)

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You know what? Iapos;d like to say something..Iapos;m not trying to offend anyone, but since this LiveJournal has MY name on it Iapos;m going to write about what I want so if I do offend you.. Tough shit. Shouldnapos;t have read it.

I think religion is complete bull shit. In my opinion, surrendering all of your thoughts because A FUCKING BOOK tells you what to believe is one of the dumbest things Iapos;ve ever heard of. Iapos;ve never heard a christian say why they believed in god other than "because the bible told me so.." or "just because.. Itapos;s the truth" or any other form of insaneness. And why should I go by what a book is telling me is real? If thatapos;s the case then I also want to believe that somewhere in England there is a school that I cannot see because I am Muggle born. Yep

Is there a way I can disable comments? Cause I donapos;t want to hear your thoughts. I donapos;t really care because like i said this is my opinion. So since I donapos;t know how to do that....... DONapos;T COMMENT ON THIS.

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