понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

comic book tee shirts

that Iapos;m not stressed after my first day back at work?� I DO love my job.� I cannot explain why or how, I just know that I love what Iapos;m doing.� When I opened my inbox earlier (after forcing myself to NOT check mail the whole of last week), there were only about a hundred emails, about half of those are the really important ones.� The rest are either forwarded messages (my mother forwards at least 3 things a day) or updates.� Out of the 50 or so substantial emails, only about 25 of those require my doing something.� Which is great, in a way, because my "To Do" list did not morph into a truly hideous specimen.� I truly appreciate most of the people in office who understood that "vacation = rest = no work."��

When I did start working (after aimlessly�re-checking my mail to make sure I did not accidentally delete or�move messages that are imporant),�my pace was�a wee bit faster than�two Fridays�ago (which�was my last official working day).� The drafting came easier, the review wasnapos;t as frustrating as I remembered, and�I actually had FUN while working.��I was even laughing when�I�received one of those attorney-urgent-po-talaga phone calls in the middle of lunch.� Strange.

Moral of the story: work is just that, work.� It cannot -- and should not�-- be taken TOO seriously.��And once itapos;s not fun anymore, itapos;s a sign that one has to take a break (OC-ness notwithstanding).� I wonder until when this mood will last.� Hopefully at least until the Christmas season.� � ���


antecedentes de historicos mercadotecnia, comic book tee shirts, comic book tee shirt, comic book tattoos, comic book tattoo sleeve.

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